After visiting the top of the lighthouse we were back on the road at 4pm and travelled through constantly changing arctic landscape. Forty five kilometres out of Ifjord, we were on a plateau with trees once again and then turned onto the R98 at Ijord. From Ifjord we began again to climb the mountains.
We have a pre-departure checklist and the main one is ‘Steps up, driving lights on’. cross check each other with these two checks as we have left on some occasions with the steps down and lights off. In Norway you can incur a fine for not having the driving lights on.
Later that night (still day) we stopped for a while at the Northern Most Pine Forest in the world which is in Posanger County.
Before going to bed we walked the 4k Roddines Geological Nature Trail on the Eastern banks of the Porsanger Fjord. The area is rich geological deposits and formations. There are informative signs as you walk around through the forest and down 1-200 meters in altitude down the staggered old beach levels to the present day beach. It is hard to believe that the land has risen so much since the weight of the last ice age was lifted and most of the large boulders were floated here and dropped as the ice melted.
Our eventual stop for the night was parked beside a beach side area in Roddines on the Porangerfjorden at about midnight.