Up bright and early (well dull and raining) we managed to get away at 10am. With some Danish kroner still in our pockets we turned off the motorway into Podborg, an industrial town near the boarder with Germany. Restocking with supplies at a small supermarket. With no Kroner left we were soon back on the road and into Germany.
Our route took us once again under the Elbe River in the early afternoon seemingly with all the other traffic in Hamburg queuing for the tunnel as well.
We arrived in Luneburg at 4:30pm and after only a few inadvertent exploratory circles around local streets we found a motorhome parking area not far from the centre of town. Luckily claimed the only parking bay left! Parking was 8 Euros for 24hours and power was an additional 1 Euro in the distribution box.
The leaning town of LuneburgLuneburg was a salt mining town and gained considerable wealth during the middle ages when salt was in great demand,
We took our evening walk to find out where the town area was and get our bearings. It was less than 1k to the centre of town and as we walked around the streets it became quickly apparent that the buildings were leaning in different directions. Centuries of salt mining and subsidence’s have left the town tilted and warped.
Our evening reconnaissance went well as we located a hairdresser that was still open and a lady spoke some English and Trish arranged to come back in the morning.
Returning to the Hymermobile we had the luxury of 230V power to cook dinner in the evening but unfortunately no internet access.
Trish was keen to get to the hairdresser before it got to late so the next morning we headed back into town along the cobble stone streets to the hairdressers.The lady that spoke English was not available until 1pm so we had plenty of time to explore the town.
The town square that was empty yesterday was now a bustling market with all kinds of local produce and every type of cured and processed meat imaginable.
Steven particularly liked the stalls with free tasting trying flavoured butters, all sorts of varieties of pickles. It is always difficult trying different foods in an unfamiliar language, It would be great if this tasting first was available for everything!
Click read more below for more and more photos………..
We walked around town visiting the old buildings and churches, stopping at St Johns church that has been here since 1174 and later St Nicolas Church.
Lunch was curry bratwurst (not curry in the sausage like in Oz but sausage smothered in BBQ sauce with lots of curry powder sprinkled over it) and pomme fritz (chips). What the Germans cholesterol levels are like!!
We left Luneburg at 4pm having contributed to local economy ( hair cut and coloured for 60 Euro A$95) and Trish happy with her new hairstyle. Now Heading south again for Wolfsburg the home of Volkswagen.