Lands End is where the mainland ends in South West Cornwall and is a popular tourist spot.
Today is a special day here to raise funds for the Air Ambulance service so part of the 5GBP parking fee went to a good cause.
Lands End has been touristafied with 4D theatres, shows, displays and the usual food and souvenirs shops. All the commercialism aside it is still a pretty coastline with Atlantic swells crashing into the cliffs.
One of the UK trips is to go from one end of the country to the other, that is lands end to John O Groats. This challenge has been met by 1000s of people in 1000s of different ways i.e garden sheds, lawnmowers, unicycles running backwards etc etc etc. One of our destinations is now John O Groats in North East Scotland. No idea when we will get there but once we do we will have also completed this famous UK journey.We spent the afternoon walking around watching a magic show and did fork out 10GBP for our photograph at the Lands End signpost.
At the edges of the field where we parked were blackberry bushes with bigger than usual blackberries so we picked a large container full to take back to Steven’s Cousins tomorrow.
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