After passing through the Mont Blanc tunnel yesterday we emerged into heavy rain and low cloud which continues today at EUR 55, to expensive to go back to the better weather Italian side!!Went for a wander passes the cable car station. Weather at the top is -9 snowing and viability blanc (White!!) live web cam was just a white screen. We continued on and walked around the town in the rain, found the tourist beureu and connected to the net on Steven’s phone and checked the weather forecast!!
Clearing weather and sunny tomorrow so we will make ourselves comfortable in the car park at the foot of Mont Blanc near the cable car station.
Spent the afternoon reading and generally relaxing, watching the tourist buses arrive disgorge groups into the rain for the cable car ride into the Mont Blanc whiteout and reload them a couple of hours later.
Makes us appreciate the luxury of having the time to be be able to wait until the weather clears.